Special Edition
A breezy and stylish collection that feels like a warm hug especially for you. Batikkart is a online brand that specialises in Sustainable and natural hand printed clothing made from Cotton fabrics.
Shop NowA breezy and stylish collection that feels like a warm hug especially for you. Batikkart is a online brand that specialises in Sustainable and natural hand printed clothing made from Cotton fabrics.
Shop NowBATIKKART is a brand of fashion outfits and we make Exclusive designer wear products inspired by latest trend accross the world. Our every product is a result of handcrafted and carefully choosen sustainable fabrics.
shop nowGet Free Shipping on all prepaid orders and 79/- charge on cash on delivery orders. and shipping time is 7-8 working days in india
We can be reached by phone from Monday to Saturday (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.), via WhatsApp at +91 7878276151, or via Instagram DM (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
We accept returns if the product received is damaged or defective . We try to clear up any confusion or questions about color, sizes, fabrics, and quality, so we do not accept returns on a like-or-dislike basis.